56 research outputs found

    What Is Cooking in the Pots of the Chiloe Archipelago? A Multiproxy Approach to Determine the Presence of Horticultural Groups

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    What Is Cooking in the Pots of the Chiloe Archipelago? A Multiproxy Approach to Determine the Presence of Horticultural Groups Marine hunter-gatherers groups have occupied the northern-Patagonian channels since ~6000 yrs cal BP. Isotopic analyses of human remains plus lithic and faunal studies show that they have a strong marine diet with small variations toward the lateHolocene. In the last 300 years, post-European contact, there is a significant change in diet related to contact with other groups that carry pottery and domesticated species, that would have occurred ~ 1000 years cal BP, but with no direct archaeological evidence that refers to this important change in the cultural trajectories. To evaluate possible changes in the consumption of wild anddomesticated species and marine resources due to acquisition of this new technology, we carried out residue analysis of the pottery sherds, to see what old and new ingredients are being prepared in the ceramic vessels. The sample comes from sites of the Chiloe archipelago, ascribed to the prehispanic traditions, some related to the late ceramic period and others to the historical period. We shall compare these results with stable isotope studies and faunal, botanical and lithic assemblages of sites prior to this moment of contact to understand changes and social interactions between different social and cultural systems.Fil: Reyes, Omar. No especifíca;Fil: Belmar, Carolina. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Tessone, Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; ArgentinaFil: San Román, Manuel. No especifíca;Fil: Morello, Flavia. No especifíca;85th Annual Meeting of the Society for American ArchaeologyEstados UnidosSociety for American Archaeolog

    Is the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection viable?

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    One out of five deceased in traffic accidents is a pedestrian. In addition, pedestrians represent the 20 % of the hospitalized injured people. The deadliness rate of a pedestrian crash is significantly greater than for the rest of accidents. Thus, pedestrian crash is one of the more lethal traffic accidents and, consequently, pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Vehicle's design can influence immensely in the risk of seriousness of the accident. Regulations are the legal instruments in order to establish if a vehicle achieves the minimum safety requirements. Nevertheless, homologation implies costly and destructive tests. This problem could be solved by simulation techniques. Analyzing the viability of a virtual homologation is the main goal of this article. After studying pedestrian crash biomechanics, virtual tests will be performed using Finite Element software (Ls-Dyna) to assess the influence of the design of vehicle and the effect of a safety system (active bonnet). Comparison between virtual tests results and real tests allows deducing if the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection is viable

    Material characterization for FEM simulation of sheet metal stamping processes

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    Sheet metal forming is an important technology in manufacturing, especially in the automotive industry. Today, engineering simulation tools based on the finite elements method are employed regularly in the design of stamping dies for sheet metal parts. However, a bad material model choice or the use of nonaccurate enough parameters can lead to imprecise simulation results. This work uses ANSYS LS-DYNA software to analyze several material models and the influence of their parameter values in FEM simulation results. The main tool to solve these problems is an application designed to assist die stamp designers. The program allows a procedure to be defined to obtain the values of the properties of an unknown material, which combines finite element simulations with real experimental results. Results obtained for the simulation of a real automotive part are analyzed and compared with the real experimental results. Parameters involved in each material model have been identified, and their influence in final results has been quantified. This is very useful to fit material properties in other simulations. This paper fulfils an identified need in the manufacturing industry. In fact, the proposed application is currently being used by a manufacturer of automotive components

    Utilización del software R para la enseñanza de la estadística: experiencia en un curso de ingeniería

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    A lo largo de las clases teóricas y prácticas en la cátedra “Estadística A” observamos ciertos conflictos para la comprensión de los conocimientos relacionados con la estadística descriptiva. Esto nos motivó a elaborar una herramienta facilitadora para la aprehensión, el desarrollo y el posterior análisis comparativo de los contenidos desarrollados. En este trabajo presentaremos la implementación de un curso con modalidad semi-presencial utilizando el software libre R como una herramienta didáctica; el mismo se llevo a cabo con un grupo de estudiantes de las carreras de Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería Industrial dictado por docentes del Departamento de Matemática del área de Estadística de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. La experiencia se diagramó en dos etapas: presencial y no-presencial. La primera etapa se llevó a cabo en algunas clases prácticas de la materia que sirvieron para la presentación e implementación del software. El espacio de trabajo donde se desarrolló fue el laboratorio de informática del Departamento de Matemática de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. La segunda etapa consistió en que los alumnos resolvieran los ejercicios propuestos en los trabajos prácticos de la cátedra utilizando R, comparando los resultados con los obtenidos previamente en papel, finalizando con una puesta en común donde se analizaron las ventajas y desventajas de R. En esta instancia, también, realizamos una devolución individual de los trabajos entregados. Finalmente, como corolario de esta experiencia, podemos inferir que es posible seguir profundizando en los beneficios que brinda el software R en relación a la enseñanza de la estadística

    Determining the stress distribution in a bicycle crank under in-service loads

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    New techniques have been introduced in the design process of most of the components of a bicycle. One of the main purposes of this introduction is trying to achieve the best weight/rigidity relation. However, all these advances have to take into account the security of the rider. Unexpected failures of some components such as stem, handlebar, or cranks, can cause serious injuries to cyclists and have to be prevented. Standard EN 14781:2006 establishes the safety and performance requirements that every bicycle and every component must fit from the point of view of fatigue failure. In this work, several bicycles cranks will be experimentally tested under the loading conditions of the reference standard. The stresses on the critical points will be analyzed to determine the influence of any variation in the test conditions. According to obtained data, several changes in the conditions of the standard will be proposed. Also, loading tolerance values for the test will be suggested, because they are not established in the standard

    New Procedure for the Kinematic and Power Analysis of Cyclists in Indoor Training

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Sensor Technology for Sports Science.In this research, the performance and movements of amateur and professional cyclists were analyzed. For this, reflective markers have been used on different parts of the body of the participants in conjunction with sports cameras and a mobile power meter. The trajectories of the markers have been obtained with the software Kinovea and subsequently analyzed using error ellipses. It is demonstrated that the error ellipses help determine movement patterns in the knees, back, and hip. The covariance of the error ellipses can be indicative of the alignment and symmetry of the frontal movement of the knees. In addition, it allows verifying the alignment of the spine and the symmetry of the hip. Finally, it is shown that it is necessary to consider the uncertainty of the power devices since it considerably affects the evaluation of the cyclists’ performance. Devices with high uncertainty will demand a greater effort from the cyclist to meet the power required in the endurance test developed. The statistical magnitudes considered help to analyze power and evaluate the cyclists’ performance

    Assessing plant consumption and use among marine hunter gatherers and fishers through dental calculus studies of the northern Patagonian channels (41°30’- 47° S)

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    Se presenta en este trabajo los resultados del análisis del contenido microfósil del tártaro dental de 49 individuos procedentes de 17 sitios arqueológicos del archipiélago de Chiloé y de los Chonos con cronologías entre ~4400 a 300 años cal AP. Evaluamos la información obtenida anteriormente sobre los valores δ13C y δ15N de isótopos estables en el que se revela una dieta eminentemente marina para estos grupos cazadores recolectores, señalando la invisibilización del uso/consumo de recursos vegetales en relación a la dieta predominante. La integración de esta línea de evidencia ha permitido registrar el consumo alimenticio de algas marinas, plantas silvestres y domesticadas, algunas con propiedades medicinales y psicoactivas, además del uso parafuncional de la cavidad bucal de acuerdo a la presencia de restos asignables a tallos de plantas usadas en la confección de cestería. Por último, la identificación de la ingesta de plantas domesticadas en el archipiélago septentrional, constituye un bio-indicador arqueológico que permite proyectar contactos entre diferentes trayectorias culturales, la de los grupos canoeros y hortícolas, a través de la secuencia temporal.This paper presents the results of the study of the microfossil content of the human dental calculus of 49 individuals from 17 archaeological sites of the Chiloé and Los Chonos archipelago with chronologies between ~4400 to 300 years cal BP. The previous δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values of the inhabitants of this area revealed an eminently marine diet for these hunter gatherers. Nevertheless, in relation to their predominant diet, the consumption of plant resources has remained unseen. The integration of this type of evidence has allowed us to detect the consumption of seaweed, wild and domesticated plants, some with medicinal and psychoactive properties, in addition to the functional use of the oral cavity based on the presence of remains of plant stems used in basketry. Finally, the presence of domesticated plants in the northern archipelagos constitutes a bio-indicator of archaeological remains that allows us to project contacts between different cultural pathways of the marine hunter gatherers and horticultural groups throughout the temporal sequence.Fil: Belmar, Carolina A.. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Reyes, Omar. Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Albornoz, Ximena. El Algarrobo 47C; ChileFil: Tessone, Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; ArgentinaFil: San Román, Manuel. Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Morello, Flavia. Universidad de Magallanes; ChileFil: Urbina, Ximena. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Chil

    First-in-man Safety and Efficacy of the Adipose Graft Transposition Procedure (AGTP) in Patients With a Myocardial Scar

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    The present study evaluates the safety and efficacy of the Adipose Graft Transposition Procedure (AGTP) as a biological regenerative innovation for patients with a chronic myocardial scar. This prospective, randomized single-center controlled study included 10 patients with established chronic transmural myocardial scars. Candidates for myocardial revascularization were randomly allocated into two treatment groups. In the control arm (n = 5), the revascularizable area was treated with CABG and the non-revascularizable area was left untouched. Patients in the AGTP-treated arm (n = 5) were treated with CABG and the non-revascularizable area was covered by a biological adipose graft. The primary endpoint was the appearance of adverse effects derived from the procedure including hospital admissions and death, and 24-hour Holter monitoring arrhythmias at baseline, 1 week, and 3 and 12 months. Secondary endpoints of efficacy were assessed by cardiac MRI. No differences in safety were observed between groups in terms of clinical or arrhythmic events. On follow-up MRI testing, participants in the AGTP-treated arm showed a borderline smaller left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV; p = 0.09) and necrosis ratio (p = 0.06) at 3 months but not at 12 months. The AGTP-treated patient with the largest necrotic area and most dilated chambers experienced a noted improvement in necrotic mass size (− 10.8%), and ventricular volumes (LVEDV: − 55.2 mL and LVESV: − 37.8 mL at one year follow-up) after inferior AGTP. Our results indicate that AGTP is safe and may be efficacious in selected patients. Further studies are needed to assess its clinical value. (ClinicalTrials.org , AdiFlap Trial). The Adipose Graft Transposition Procedure (AGTP) is a new surgical technique for reducing the scar after a heart attack. It has been evaluated in 10 patients for the first time and has been proved to be safe. This technique consists on the use of the existing fat surrounding the heart that has beneficial properties. The procedure is easy for the surgeons to perform. The next step will be to test the efficacy in a larger population

    Functional status and physical activity in dialysis patients

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    Allison Armand Pilon: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- María José Bentancor: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- Carolina Echeverría: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- Sergio Pereira: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- Victoria Taglioretti: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- Sofía Zeballos: Estudiantes Carrera Doctor en Medicina.-- Sofía San Román: Centro de Nefrología Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República – Uruguay.-- Cecilia Durán: Departamento, de Psicología Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República – Uruguay.-- Ricardo Silvariño: Centro de Nefrología Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República – Uruguay.-- Liliana Gadola: Centro de Nefrología Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República – Uruguay.-- Cecilia Baccino: Centro de Nefrología Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República – Uruguay.Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica avanzada (ERCA) presentan menor capacidad funcional. El deterioro funcional se acentúa en los estadios más avanzados de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) lo que aumenta la morbi-mortalidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue valorar el estado funcional de los pacientes con ERCA en tratamiento con diálisis en el Centro de Nefrología del Hospital de Clínicas, en el período comprendido de mayo a agosto del 2018. Es un estudio transversal, observacional, descriptivo. Los datos fueron extraídos por revisión de historia y entrevista presencial. Se evaluó el estado funcional y actividad física mediante: fuerza de prensión, test “up and go”; índice de Barthel. La presencia de deterioro cognitivo se determinó a través del “minimental state test examination”, y la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente, por medio del cuestionario SF-36 adaptado ERC. La población estudiada fue n= 47, edad media 58.5 ± 15.3 (DE) años. Modalidad hemodiálisis (29/47: 61,7%) siendo el resto pacientes en diálisis peritoneal (18/47: 38,3%). La mayoría (26) tuvieron fuerza conservada (prensión) y velocidad de marcha independiente (37) (rápidos por up and go). La presencia de menor capacidad funcional (debilidad o lentitud) se relacionó con menor masa magra, menores niveles de albúmina (3.9 ±0.52 vs 4.2 ±0.27 p 0.023), hemoglobina(10.7± 1.7 vs 11.7 ± 1.7 p 0.045), vitamina D ( 22.7 ± 14.5 vs 22.3 ± 8.1 p 0.917 ) y mayores niveles de hormona paratiroidea (308.1 ± 316.9 vs 378.4 ± 264.5 p 0.422). Concluimos que el Deterioro del estatus funcional en pacientes con ERC en terapia de sustitución renal (TSR) se relaciona con la disminución en la masa magra, menor nivel de albúmina, anemia y déficit de vitamina D.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with lower functional capacity. This condition is accentuated in the most Advanced stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (ACKD), which increases morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to assess the functional status of patients with ACKD undergoing dialysis treatment at the Nephrology Center of the Hospital de Clínicas, in the period from May to August 2018. It is a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study. The data were obtained by review of history and face-to-face interview. Functional status and physical activity were evaluated by grip strength, “up and go” test; Barthel index. The presence of cognitive impairment was determined through the “mini mental state test examination”, and the quality of life perceived by the patient, through the adapted SF-36 ERC questionnaire. The studied population was n = 47, mean age 58.5 ± 15.3 (SD) years. Hemodialysis Group (29/47: 61.7%) and peritoneal dialysis Group (18/47: 38.3%). Most (26) had conserved strength (grip) and independent gait speed (37) (up and go fast). The presence of lower functional capacity (weakness or slowness) was related to lower lean mass, lower levels of albumin (3.9 ± 0.52 vs 4.2 ± 0.27 p 0.023), hemoglobin (10.7 ± 1.7 vs 11.7 ± 1.7 p 0.045), vitamin D ( 22.7 ± 14.5 vs 22.3 ± 8.1 p 0.917) and higher levels of parathyroid hormone (308.1 ± 316.9 vs 378.4 ± 264.5 p 0.422). We conclude that the Impairment of functional status in CKD patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT) is related to a decrease in lean mass, lower albumin level, anemia, and vitamin D deficiency


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    ABSTRACT One of the main sources of noise pollution in cities is vehicle traffic. In this paper a characterization of the noise emission of a passenger vehicle has been carried out. With this aim a representative driving route for noise emission has been defined in order to study the influence of the driver typology and vehicle type. Therefore, this investigation has been developed in three phases: Firstly, usual driving in an urban area like Madrid has been characterized with a specific driving route. In addition, several vehicle models with great presence in the existing fleet of cars have been selected. Several drivers have covered the driving route at different times of the day and previous parameters have been measured in each test in order to determine average values of behavior. Secondly, the type of vehicles and drivers influence in noise emissions has been deeply analyzed. To achieve this aim a sample of vehicles has been instrumented to obtain physical measurements of the variables that can influence the noise emission level. Positions, velocities, accelerations (longitudinal and lateral) and time have been analyzed using a GPS sensor. Parameters such as, engine speed, engine load, throttle position and engine temperature have been studied through the vehicle CAN BUS and a set of microphones has measured the emitted noise in several points of the vehicle. In order to study the ecological and safety impact in urban and interurban roads by means of the measurement of noise emissions the analysis of the driver behaviour is of paramount importance. To conclude, the previous data has been analyzed and noise equivalent levels have been identified with different test configurations